The Letter of Jude: Expecting Mercy

fot. archiwum M. Rosik

A Structural Commentary on the So-Called Antilegomena, II, The Letter of Jude: Expecting Mercy, Eastern and Central European Voices III/2, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, ISBN 978-3-525-57338-9, Göttingen 2021, pp. 492 [coauthor: K. Wojciechowska].


Table of Contents

List of abbreviations


  1. Introduction

1.1 Textual testimonies and canonicity

1.2 Author

1.3 Time of origin

1.3.1 Authorship

1.3.2 Doctrine and institutionalization of the Church

1.3.3 Ideas of false teachers

1.3.4 Relationship to Paul

1.3.5 Interpretation of the term apostle

1.3.6 Relation to 2 Pet

1.4 Recipients

1.5 Vocabulary and style

1.6 Genre

1.7 Structure

  1. Structural commentary

2.1 A. Salvation (Jude 1–3)

2.2 B. Ungodlines and Judgement (Jude 4)

2.3 A’. Salvation (Jude 5a–b)

2.4 B’. Ungodlines and Judgement (Jude 5c)

2.5 B’’. Ungodlines and Judgement (Jude 6–19)

2.5.1 Part a. Judgement rooted in the beginnings of salvation history (Jude 6–7)

2.5.2 Part b. Reference to the situation of the recipients (Jude 8–13) Triplet part 1 Triplet part 2 Triplet part 3

2.5.3 Part c. Eschatological judgment foretold from the beginning of salvation history (Jude 14–15)

2.5.4 Part b’. Reference to the situation of the recipients (Jude 16)

2.5.5 Part a’. End times (Jude 17–18)

2.5.6 Part b’’. Reference to the situation of the recipients (Jude 19)

2.6 A”. Salvation (Jude 20–25)

2.6.1 Part a. Syncrisis (Jude 20–23)

2.6.2 Part b. The soteriological thesis (Jude 24–25a)

2.6.3 Part c. Doxology (Jude 25b)

  1. Conclusions


Biblical texts

Apocryphal literature

Ancient Christian writers

Other ancient writers

Dictionaries and lexicons



Auxiliary literature


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The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 84 (2022) 340-341

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