In 2021 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht launched a new series entitled “Eastern and Central European Voices [ECEV]: Studies in Theology and Religion”. The main objective of this newly established series is to disseminate the research results of theologians and religious scholars from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, who usually publish in their own national languages. By reaching for monographs published in the ECEV series, published in languages commonly accepted in the scientific world (mainly English), many more researchers will be able to familiarize themselves with the theological and religious studies thought of scholars in Eastern Central Europe. The ECEV series has already published several significant monographs and collective works that have shed new light on important issues in theology and religious studies.
The main aim of the supplement series is to provide researchers with tools for theological and religious studies. These include dictionaries, lexicons, encyclopedias, synopses, concordances, anthologies of source texts or translations of the works of ancient Christian writers.
R. Mazur, R. Bogacz, A. Gieniusz, Analytical Lexicon of the Greek Bible, Eastern and Central European Voices. Supplements – Volume 001, ed. R. Pietkiewicz, M. Rosik, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, ISBN: 978-3-525-50001-9, Leiden – Boston – Singapore – Paderborn – Vienna 2023, pp. XX, 2253
The basic forms of the Greek Bible put in alphabetical order create the lexicon’s entries. Every entry has its English translation along with the number of occurrences of the Greek term in the Septuagint, parallel texts and in the New Testament with the sum of all occurrences in all the Bible. At the end of each entry the lexical forms of it are given and listed in alphabetical order with a grammatical analysis and occurrences throughout the Scriptures. In the dictionary, as it is in the concordance, four colours are given a new category of distinction. They separately characterize the texts and references of the Septuagint (green), parallel texts (red) and the New Testament (blue). The same colours are attributed to the number of appearances of the terms in the text. The terms are presented in the Dictionary firstly in basic form, then in all lexical forms arranged in alphabetical order.
R. Mazur, R. Bogacz, A. Gieniusz, Analytical Lexicon of the Greek Bible. A Complete Concordance to the Greek Bible, Eastern and Central European Voices. Supplements – Volume 1-2, ed. R. Mazur, M. Rosik, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, ISBN: 978-3-647-50600-5, Leiden – Boston – Singapore – Paderborn – Vienna 2023, pp. XXXIII, 17308
A Complete Concordance to the Greek Bible is very extensive, therefore it was published in pdf-format which greatly facilitates the search for specific words or phrases. All the words are ordered according to the Greek alphabet and the alphabetical order covers both the word sought and its immediate, two-sided context. Although previous concordances were also arranged alphabetically, the verses with a specific word were given according to the biblical canon. In this Concordance each word is listed in its preceding and following context. Consequently, one can immediately find biblical quotations, paraphrases and other similar passages on the same topic. Since it is a textual concordance, all words are given in their textual forms. Provided here is the first contextual full concordance to the full Greek Bible: Septuagint with its parallel texts and Greek New Testament. Four colors are given in order to create a new category of distinction between the text sources. They characterize separately the texts and references of Septuagint (green), parallel texts (red) and New Testament (blue). The following context is arranged in alphabetical order and this choice is favoring in easy way the possibility to note the presence of all synoptic phenomena.
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